Girlscout Cookie Cocktail

It's Girlscout cookie season, and I enjoyed the opportunity to make this cocktail using a "seasonal" ingredient. It's like Card-Table-Outside-The-Grocery-Store-To-Table. I know you're all looking to make thin-mint infused vodka, and pin it to all your friends, so I have made a drink just for you.

Behold! I mixed 2 oz of vodka and two girlscout cookies using an immersion blender, and then pushed them through a fine-mesh strainer. The finer, the better. If you have an 80 micron strainer, that would be ideal. Push the thin mint vodka through the strainer, and then pull a shot of espresso using your fancy espresso machine (you could also use a moka pot, or even a little bit of strong black coffee), add sugar according to your taste, and shake it up like a cafe shakerato.

Girlscout Cookie Cocktail

1.5 oz Thin Mint Vodka

1 Shot of Espresso or 1.5 oz Strong Coffee

.5 oz Whole Milk

Simple Syrup to your taste

Shake over ice and strain into a glass rimmed with chocolate shavings.

Smacked mint leaf more for the photo.

To be honest this didn't quite have the clarity of flavor I was looking for. Coffee muddied the thin mint a bit, and a dash of creme de menthe would probably have brought it back. Still, if you're trying to drink thin mints as a cocktail, you could do a lot worse.



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No More Crèmes in Brûlée